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Efficient List of Resources and Tips to Prepare for the MB-920 Certification Exam

The Microsoft Certified – Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (ERP) certification is intended for individuals who fully comprehend Dynamics 365’s capabilities and the basic concepts of how finance and operations apps integrate with Microsoft. This foundational certification is well-suited for individuals with a fundamental understanding of financial principles and information technology, although there are no official prerequisites. To acquire this certification, individuals need to pass the MB-920 certification exam.

What Is MB-920 Certification Exam?

The MB-920 certification exam evaluates candidates’ capacity to explain Dynamics 365 supply chain management, Dynamics finance, Dynamics commerce, Dynamics human resources, project operations, and other standard functionalities.

The Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals exam, also known as MB-920, is a certification exam offered by Microsoft. The exam lasts 80 minutes, during which candidates are assessed on their knowledge and understanding of Dynamics 365 fundamentals. The exam format consists of 40 to 60 multiple-choice and multi-response questions, testing candidates’ proficiency in various aspects of Dynamics 365. To pass the exam, candidates must achieve a minimum score of 700 out of 1000. The exam is available in multiple languages, including English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, and Arabic (Saudi Arabia).

Exam Domains:

  • Describe Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (20-25%)
  • Describe Dynamics 365 Finance (20-25%)
  • Describe Dynamics 365 Commerce (10-15%)
  • Describe Dynamics 365 Human Resources (10-15%)
  • Describe Project Operations (10-15%)
  • Describe the finance and operations core functionality (15-20%)

Study Resources to Prepare for Exam Preparation

To succeed in this exam, it is essential to have access to the proper study resources and employ effective exam tactics. This comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights and recommendations on study resources, exam strategies, and tips to ace the MB-920 Certification Exam.

Online Courses and Training Materials

One of the most effective ways to prepare for the MB-920 Certification Exam is by enrolling in online courses and utilizing training materials provided by reputable platforms. Websites like Microsoft Learn offer free and paid courses designed to cover the exam syllabus. These courses are created and curated by industry experts, ensuring the delivery of high-quality content that aligns with the exam objectives.

Official Microsoft Documentation

The official Microsoft documentation is an authoritative and reliable resource for exam preparation. It provides in-depth information on various concepts, functionalities, and features related to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Apps. Familiarizing yourself with the official documentation will enhance your understanding and help you gain valuable insights into real-world scenarios and best practices.

MB-920 Practice Tests and Sample Questions

Practicing with sample questions and taking mock exams is crucial to evaluate your knowledge and identify areas that require further attention. Several online platforms and resources offer practice tests designed explicitly for the MB-920 Certification Exam. These practice tests simulate the exam environment and provide detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers, enabling you to learn from your mistakes and improve your performance.

Study Guides and Books

If you prefer traditional study materials, study guides and books can be valuable to your exam preparation arsenal. Look for study guides tailored explicitly for the MB-920 Certification Exam, as they provide a structured approach to cover the exam topics comprehensively. Books authored by industry experts often contain valuable insights and practical examples that can deepen your understanding of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Apps.

Exam Tactics

Understand the Exam Objectives and Weightage

Before diving into your exam preparation, it is essential to thoroughly understand the exam objectives and the weightage assigned to each topic. The official Microsoft website provides a detailed exam outline highlighting the key areas you must focus on. By knowing the weightage of each topic, you can allocate your study time accordingly and prioritize your preparation efforts.

Create a Study Plan and Stick to It

A well-structured study plan is essential to stay organized and ensure adequate coverage of all exam topics. Start by dividing your study time based on the weightage of each objective. Set specific goals for each study session and monitor your progress regularly. Remember to allocate ample time for revision and practice tests to reinforce your understanding and improve your exam readiness.

Engage in Hands-On Practice

Practical experience with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Apps is invaluable when preparing for the MB-920 Certification Exam. Set up a virtual environment or leverage the available trial versions of the software to gain hands-on experience with different features and functionalities. Practicing in a real-world setting will solidify your knowledge and enhance your problem-solving skills, which are essential for the exam.

Join Study Groups and Discussion Forums

Engaging with fellow exam takers and subject matter experts through study groups and discussion forums can provide valuable insights and different perspectives. Participating in these communities allows you to clarify doubts, exchange study materials, and discuss challenging topics. It also creates a collaborative learning environment that motivates and supports your exam preparation journey.


Preparing for the MB-920 Certification Exam requires a combination of adequate study resources and exam tactics. By utilizing online courses, official documentation, practice tests, and study guides, you can enhance your knowledge and understanding of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Apps. Employing exam tactics such as creating a study plan, engaging in hands-on practice, and participating in study groups will boost your confidence and improve your chances of success. Remember to stay updated with the latest developments in the field and leverage the resources available. Best of luck on your journey to becoming a certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps professional!