Some Benefits of Earning CWSP Certification

What Are the Benefits of Earning a CWSP Certification?

The CWSP certification, part of the CWNP Program, is a professional-grade accreditation specifically focused on wireless LAN. Obtaining the CWSP certification is a strategic move for your professional development, as it guarantees that you possess the necessary expertise to effectively safeguard enterprise Wi-Fi networks against potential breaches by hackers. This applies irrespective of the specific brand of Wi-Fi equipment utilized by your organization.

To obtain a CWSP certification, you are required to possess a valid and up-to-date CWNA credential. The CWSP exam must be taken at a Pearson Vue Testing Center, and a passing score of 70% or higher is necessary. Instructors need to achieve a score of 80% or higher. Regardless of your chosen method for preparing for the CWSP exam, it is advisable to begin with the exam objectives, which comprehensively outline the skills assessed in the examination.

The CWSP certification remains valid for a period of three (3) years. To renew it, you must hold a current CWNA credential and successfully pass the latest CWSP-207 exam. Upon passing the CWSP exam, your CWNA certificate will be automatically extended for an additional three years.

CWSP Certification Exam Information

  • Exam Code: CWSP-207
  • Exam Name: Certified Wireless Security Professional
  • Exam Type: Multiple-choice Questions
  • Exam Cost: USD 350
  • Total Questions: 60 Questions
  • Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Languages: English
  • Exam Center: Pearson Vue
  • Passing Score: 70%

CWSP-207 Exam Objectives

The examination validates individuals as experts in WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), demonstrating their capability to formulate and execute an organization’s security policy through the incorporation of regulations, standards, and approved practices. The exam assesses proficiency in the following areas:

  • Security Policy (10%)
  • Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Attacks (30%)
  • WLAN Security Design and Architecture (45%)
  • Security Lifecycle Management (15%)

Strategies for Success in CWSP-207 Examination

While the CWSP-207 certification test primarily focuses on WLAN intrusion and related technologies, it remains somewhat demanding, and success on the initial attempt is not guaranteed for everyone. We’ve provided some helpful tips to assist you in achieving a favorable score more effortlessly.

1. Check Out the Details of the Exam

While getting ready for the CWSP-207 exam, it’s advisable to meticulously review every minor aspect associated with it. Ensure that you understand the exam duration, the quantity of questions to be addressed, and any other pertinent details that aid in exam preparation. This approach will contribute to your ability to tackle a greater number of questions as you prepare.

2. Familiarize Yourself With the CWSP-207 Exam Topics

The next crucial aspect is acquainting yourself with the CWSP-207 exam topics. Thoroughly examine this list, paying close attention to areas where you can excel. The list provides percentages for each section, aiding you in targeted preparation. It’s essential to identify significant chapters, especially those that are easier, ensuring you prioritize learning them first.

3. Discover Top-Notch Study Materials and Additional Preparation Resources

When it comes to CWSP-207 exam preparation resources, the world wide web offers a wealth of options for your needs. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to choose the correct books and other materials when getting ready for the certification test. This implies seeking guides authored by well-known professionals. Additionally, you can enhance your CWSP-207 exam preparation by utilizing diverse study guides, training courses, and YouTube videos.

Another valuable tool you can employ in readiness for the CWSP certification exam is practice exams. However, it is essential to ensure the validity of these practice exams.

Benefits of Earning the CWSP Certification

The well-known saying “Knowledge is power” emphasizes that knowledge holds greater influence than physical strength, and significant achievements are only attainable with a substantial knowledge foundation. It enables individuals to excel and garner commendable outcomes. Therefore, as learners accumulate more knowledge, they enhance their personal and perceived strength. Consequently, obtaining the CWSP certification brings about new skills and marks a significant achievement in reaching a key milestone.

What about the CWSP certification? Primarily, it acts as evidence of your skills when seeking employment. Prospective employers will perceive you as a dedicated individual committed to delivering optimal results in any undertaking. Moreover, it provides an advantage for existing employees. Recruiters often prefer internal candidates, who are already familiar with the organization’s processes. Possessing the necessary skills to excel with the utmost quality positions you as a qualified candidate for potential promotions.

Another benefit of attaining the CWSP certification is a substantial salary boost. By becoming a certified professional with a plethora of valuable skills, you not only provide your employer with a qualified individual but also increase your income. It’s a mutually beneficial scenario for both parties!


These represent the primary advantages you can gain upon completing the CWSP-207 exam. However, these are not exhaustive, as outcomes may vary based on the organization, location, and other considerations. Nevertheless, there are no drawbacks, so pursuing the CWSP credential for your benefit is worthwhile.