[312-85] Exam: Acquire the Materials to Start A Successful EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) Career

What about making a career with the 312-85 certification? Find out the free 312-85 sample questions, study guide PDF, and practice tests for a successful EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) career start.

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These materials are proven and help the candidate to pass the exam on their first attempt.

What Is the EC-Council 312-85 Exam Structure?

The CTIA exam is a multiple-choice exam, with 50 questions. You need to get a 70% mark to pass the CTIA exam. The EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) is suitable for candidates who are interested to learn more on the Specialist. The official price for the exam is $250.

What Should Be Your Study Method for the 312-85 Exam Preparation?

Once you are determined to take the 312-85 exam, you must get ready with a study guide that combines all your necessary actions during the preparation and materials in one place.

Visit the Official Page for More Clarity:

Visiting the official page could feel a simple task, but a candidate must make sure, that he is not missing out any valuable information regarding the 312-85 exam. One must visit the official page at the beginning of their preparation to find out about the training and other online resources.

Work on the 312-85 Syllabus Topics:

The basic action of the 312-85 exam candidate should be going through the syllabus details and making out a chart to cover the syllabus topics on time. When it comes to covering the syllabus topics, books and online resources work best to ace the exam.

Success in the EC-Council 312-85 exam is highly dependent on grasping the syllabus topics from the core. The more grasp you have, the more is the chance to succeed quickly. Do not hurry to learn the exam topics; learn one at a time. You can also target covering two to three topics daily from the core, but make sure that you don’t move to the next topic, until you finish one.

Increase Your Productivity through Routine Making:

How to make your study schedule the most productive? If the aspirant follows a planned routine, he is going to experience a more productive preparation. You might be a student, or a working professional, choose your productive time according to your current work and plan out your productive hours. If you want to enhance your productivity during the preparation, you must set aside your study hours. Focusing on daily study would help to learn the syllabus topics in a better manner.

Develop Writing Habit:

If you develop the habit of writing essential points during the study, you can revise quickly through these notes. Your study routine should be such that you can properly utilize the study resources. Therefore, follow some proven steps to pass the exam.

When Is the Right Time to Explore 312-85 Sample Questions & Mock Tests?

  • The potential EC-Council 312-85 certification candidates should not restrict themselves to learning the syllabus topics only. They can add more value to their preparation; if they explore different 312-85 sample questions through PDF format or regular format, their knowledge base could become stronger.
  • The best time to explore sample questions is at the end of syllabus completion. Many valuable websites offer trusted and free sample questions for the 312-85 exam preparation.
  • The preparation process is always better with these sample questions and practice test combinations. Many aspirants opt for the 312-85 dumps PDF materials and end up losing confidence in the exam hall during the actual exam preparation process.
  • You can learn from the dumps materials, but working with 312-85 dumps PDF won’t help to assess your preparation level. Taking 312-85 mock exams would help the aspirant to get ready with the actual exam structure, and a candidate becomes an expert regarding time management through this process.
  • Therefore, drop your focus from 312-85 exam related dumps PDF and get valuable insights through CTIA practice tests.
  • It is always essential to get the real exam experience before you reach the exam hall.312-85 practice tests, work best in this regard. Continuous practicing helps in getting familiar with the actual exam structure and makes your journey easy while taking the exam.
  • EduSum.com offers one of the most valuable practice tests for self assessment. The time-based practice tests help an aspirant to gain ideas on their time management level and answering capacity. The candidates may face difficulty during initial attempts, but through gradual practice, their knowledge base, speed, and marks improve.
  • Don’t lose hope, if you are scoring poor in your initial attempts, take it as learn only approach, and be determined to work on the lacking syllabus sections.

How Does the 312-85 Certification Benefit You?

The purpose of becoming the EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) is not only gaining knowledge. The aspirant earns the maximum advantage when they face any interview. With the CTIA certification on their resume, the credibility of the aspirant is proved to the employers over other non-certified peers. Having the CTIA certification, also helps the aspirants to negotiate well for new job roles or for salary hike.

Here Are Few 312-85 Sample Questions for Your Knowledge:

01. In which of the following attacks does the attacker exploit vulnerabilities in a computer application before the software developer can release a patch for them?

a) Active online attack

b) Zero-day attack

c) Distributed network attack

d) Advanced persistent attack

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02. A network administrator working in an ABC organization collected log files generated by a traffic monitoring system, which may not seem to have useful information, but after performing proper analysis by him. The same information can be used to detect an attack in the network.

Which of the following categories of threat information has he collected?

a) Advisories

b) Strategic reports

c) Detection indicators

d) Low-level data

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03. Daniel is a professional hacker whose aim is to attack a system to steal data and money for profit. He performs hacking to obtain confidential data such as social security numbers, personally identifiable information (PII) of an employee, and credit card information.

After obtaining confidential data,he further sells the information on the black market to make money. Daniel comes under which of the following types of threat actor

a) Industrial spies

b) State-sponsored hackers

c) Insider threat

d) Organized hackers

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04. Bob, a threat analyst, works in an organization named TechTop. He was asked to collect intelligence to fulfil the needs and requirements of the Red Tam present within the organization. Which of the following are the needs of a RedTeam?

a) Intelligence related to increased attacks targeting a particular software or operating system vulnerability

b) Intelligence on latest vulnerabilities, threat actors, and their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)

c) Intelligence extracted latest attacks analysis on similar organizations, which includes details about latest threats and TTPs

d) Intelligence that reveals risks related to various strategic business decisions

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05. Cybersol Technologies initiated a cyber-threat intelligence program with a team of threat intelligence analysts. During the process, the analysts started converting the raw data into useful information by applying various techniques, such as machine- based techniques, and statistical methods.

In which of the following phases of the threat intelligence lifecycle is the threat intelligence team currently working?

a) Dissemination and integration

b) Planning and direction

c) Processing and exploitation

d) Analysis and production

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